Mental Health Tools

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While 1 in 5 people will experience a mental illness during their lifetime, everyone faces challenges in life that can impact their mental health.

There are practical tools everyone can use to improve their mental health and increase resiliency.

Recognize Your Emotions, Own Your Feelings

It’s important to recognize your emotions and own your feelings, work to find the positive even when facing adversity or loss, reach out, connect with others, remove those people in your life who are bringing you down, and create healthy routines to take care of yourself.

Take a Free Mental Health Screen

A mental health screen is a quick, free, and private way for someone to assess their mental health and recognize signs of mental health problems.

A Healthy Lifestyle + Tools to Thrive

Living a healthy lifestyle and incorporating mental health tools to thrive can be achieved by gradually making small changes and building on those successes. Find routines that lift you, remove toxic influences, and connecting with others can all help you on your path to recovery.

For each of us, the tools we use to keep us mentally healthy will be unique. But Peace River Center wants everyone to know mental illnesses are common, treatable medical conditions. Recovery is possible. Finding what works for you may not be easy but can be achieved by gradually making small changes and building on those successes.

Source: Tools 2 Thrive | Mental Health America

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